Nov 29 – Dec 05: Imperatives 17 through 32

Reading: Pages 26 to 55 (Imperatives 17 through 32)

As we enter into week two of our discussion we want to express such gratitude to each of you who are journeying with us, and have shared and/or listened with such grace and honesty.  It is a source of encouragement, just as Henri’s honest sharing is such a source of encouragement.

As we open up a new set of imperatives this week, it is worthwhile to reiterate that these imperatives were written in a very raw time in Henri’s life.  A number of people last week suggested that they expected more from Henri, or were surprised that he didn’t seem more solid in his aspects of his faith.  Remember, as Henri explains in the introduction, he was in a time of “intense purification,” not intending to be leading or teaching anyone else.  You’ll find the powerful and solid insights that came out of this time in Henri’s The Return of the Prodigal Son (pxviii).    What is so powerful about this text, and what we can so clearly learn from, is his desire to draw closer to the heart of God even during the most difficult of times.

This week we again offer the following process to follow as you reflect on the readings, but of course you are always welcome to share in your own style.

  1. Briefly look over the 16 imperatives assigned to this week (17 through 32), either by simply reading the title or by lightly skimming the text.  Don’t feel you need to read them all.  Remember Henri’s advice on p xxi…too much salt can spoil a meal!
  2. Select a few (perhaps 2 or 3) imperatives that stand out to you, and read them thoroughly, perhaps several times.
  3.  Consider:
    1. The thought or concept that stands out to you
    2. How does it relates to your personal experience?  Look at your experience with the benefit of Henri’s insight.  Does that help you to see things differently or to know yourself better?
    3. What is God speaking to your heart? What do the Scriptures say?*
    4. How you will respond?  Carefully (prayerfully) consider how your heart responds to the insights gained during your reflection. Are there small steps you can take to incorporate these insights and to move toward spiritual freedom in your life?  Perhaps you would like to write your own Spiritual Imperative.
    5. Pray!
  4. Please share with the group to the degree you are comfortable

Very much looking forward to hearing from you,

Ray and Brynn

Nov 22 – 28: Imperatives 1 through 16

Reading: Imperatives 1 through 16 (pages 3 to 25)

It was so wonderful to see all your introductions last week – again, a very warm welcome to each of you!  We are excited to begin our first full week of exploring the text.

As we saw through last week’s readings (Introduction) the journey from anguish to freedom is indeed a journey.  A spiritual battle.  Henri wisely choose not to fight this battle alone, but rather with the tiny bit of strength he had in him, he put himself at the feet of God, and clung to God’s Word of truth.  By doing this he chose not death but life, and through the help of his caring and attentive guides, each day he chose very small steps towards life.

Whether you are in a place of crisis, or whether you are in a calm place but want to daily take steps towards life in Christ, you are invited to engage the journey as Henri did.  This group is here to listen, encourage and support.

You are free to share whatever comes up for you in the readings.  Below we offer you a process you might follow, to help you explore the readings and share your journey with the group.

  1. Briefly look over the 16 imperatives assigned to this week (1 through 16), either by simply reading the title or by lightly skimming the text.  Don’t feel you need to read them all.  Remember Henri’s advice on p xxi…too much salt can spoil a meal!
  2. Select a few (perhaps 2 or 3) imperatives that stand out to you, and read them thoroughly, perhaps several times.
  3.  Consider:
    1. The thought or concept that stands out to you
    2. How does it relates to your personal experience?  Look at your experience with the benefit of Henri’s insight.  Does that help you to see things differently or to know yourself better?
    3. What is God speaking to your heart? What do the Scriptures say?*
    4. How you will respond?  Carefully (prayerfully) consider how your heart responds to the insights gained during your reflection. Are there small steps you can take to incorporate these insights and to move toward spiritual freedom in your life?  Perhaps you would like to write your own Spiritual Imperative.
    5. Pray!
  4. Please share with the group to the degree you are comfortable

* Although in this text we don’t see Henri referencing specific chapters and verses of Scripture, we do know that he loved the Scriptures and looked to them for truth.  Indeed, you can see Scriptural truths throughout many of the imperatives.  We encourage you to seek out for yourself, or perhaps on behalf of others in the group, the Scriptural truths we can and must cling to on our journeys.

Very much looking forward to hearing from each of you!

Ray and Brynn

Nov 18 – 21: Advent 2015 Introductions

Reading:  Introduction (xxi to xix).

While you can skip the introduction to many books, you are encouraged to read and reflect on this one to understand Henri’s journey and how this book came to be.   Note: you can find the link to the reading schedule in the black navigation bar, which is located directly below the photo on the top of this page.

A very warm welcome to each of you!  You will find here, in the weeks ahead, a caring community of people who encourage each other in their desire after the heart of God.  Henri Nouwen is our guide, as we study his books and legacy.  We as facilitators do our best to make the space for this community to form, and it is truly each of you that actually creates it.  If you’ve joined us before you’ll know how incredible these times are.  If this is your first time – welcome!

This Advent we will open up the pages of Henri’s “The Inner Voice of Love.”  As you likely know already, this book is composed of journal entries written by Henri during one of the most difficult times in his life.  Henri shows us how he was honest with himself and with God about the pain he was feeling, but he also shows us how he chose to journey through the anguish to freedom.  We can follow his example as he turns his eyes upon Jesus, and therefore leads us to a place of hope and new life.  This book is equally for those who are in a time of deep anguish and for those who are in a time of peace and joy, and want to be reminded of practical ways to keep their eyes on our Saviour.

Before we jump in, it is always helpful to provide some information on how this online discussion flows.  Each Sunday you will discover a new “post,” indicated by the bold title, on the blog’s Home page. This post will have discussion questions based around the week’s readings. It works best if you always add any new comment to the newest post, even if you are referring to an earlier post. That way, everyone will see your comment. After you submit a comment, either Will, Ray or Brynn need to “approve” it, so it may take a few hours before it actually appears on the blog page.  The instructions on how to submit and reply to comments are also included at the bottom of the reading schedule.  If you have any further questions about how the blog works, please feel free to ask.

After that long introduction, we would love to hear from you!

Please introduce yourself.  You may choose to share:
a) Your general geographic location
b) To whom or what you dedicate your days or energy, and why
c) Whether or not you’ve read The Inner Voice of Love before, and if so, how it was significant to you at that time
d) What you hope to experience during this Advent discussion

We very much look forward to hearing from each of you!

In gratitude,

Ray and Brynn

RAY GLENNON: Ray actively volunteers in his parish Confirmation and Adult Faith Formation Programs. He and his wife are members of a Catholic charismatic community. He came to know and trust Henri’s written word in a special way in 2004 when he found The Return of the Prodigal Son for sale after Mass at the cathedral in Singapore at an important point in his life.  If you have any questions for Ray, please contact him at and you can follow him on Twitter at

BRYNN LAWRENCE: Brynn is a marriage restoration life coach and an experienced group facilitator. She has been helping to preserve Henri’s Legacy for the last six years, through her role as project coordinator of the Nouwen Archive Letter Project and also by facilitating many of our online book discussions. Brynn is  the founder of Abundant Life Coaching. If you have any questions for Brynn, please feel free to contact her through her website.