Reading: Conclusion
Greetings on this Palm Sunday. As we enter into Holy Week, we also enter into our concluding week of this discussion. It has, without doubt, been a remarkable and inspiring discussion, and we thank each of you for making it so.
In his conclusion Henri tells says “as I wrote I saw ever more clearly that Adam had lived the story of Jesus that I have been telling every day to anyone who wanted to hear it” (p128).
Reflecting on the book as a whole, we welcome you to share…
a) Insights that Adam’s story has given you into Jesus’ story.
b) Insights that Adam’s story has given you into your own story, and how your life can be lived through the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of God.
We also welcome you to share whatever God is speaking to your heart this Holy Week, and throughout Easter.
Many deep thanks, once again, to each of you.
Ray and Brynn