Final Week: April 9th – 13th

Reading: Conclusion

Greetings on this Palm Sunday.  As we enter into Holy Week, we also enter into our concluding week of this discussion.  It has, without doubt, been a remarkable and inspiring discussion, and we thank each of you for making it so.

In his conclusion Henri tells says “as I wrote I saw ever more clearly that Adam had lived the story of Jesus that I have been telling every day to anyone who wanted to hear it” (p128).

Reflecting on the book as a whole, we welcome you to share…
a) Insights that Adam’s story has given  you into Jesus’ story.
b) Insights that Adam’s story has given you into your own story, and how your life can be lived through the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of God.

We also welcome you to share whatever God is speaking to your heart this Holy Week, and throughout Easter.

Many deep thanks, once again, to each of you.

Ray and Brynn

Week 5: April 2nd – 8th

Reading: Chapters 7/8/9

Welcome once again!  In the final chapters of Adam God’s Beloved, Henri invites us to journey with him through the wake, burial and early days of processing Adam’s passing.  Henri shares some of the very personal moments of grief that he and the community experienced during this time, in a way that you can easily feel like you were there with them.  He also shares moments of profound hope.

1_ Grief “is a gradual dying within us of the loved one who had found a dwelling place in our hearts.  Grief is a departing hour by hour, day by day, minute by minute…It is an ongoing dying, a being surprised again and again by his absence, a slow, painful leaving, a wrenching loneliness.  We cannot circumvent our grief.  We cannot shorten it.  We have to give it time, much time” (p118).
a) Please feel free to share your own experience of grief, including things you learned through it.
b) What have you learned through your own experience about how to grieve?

2_”Meanwhile those who stay …will tell those who come for dinner, ‘Adam lived here.  He was a wonderful friend and guide.  Because of Adam’s life and death we have been gifted with peace, hope, love and immense gratitude'”(p124-125).
a) Do you have any special ways of remembering/holding in your heart loved ones who have gone before us ?

3_Throughout the book we’ve come to learn about this incredible young man named Adam, who touched hundreds of lives, all while not being able to talk or act independently.  In Chapter nine Henri reminds us that Adam was able to minister so powerfully not in spite of his powerlessness, but rather because of it.  “Everyone who lived with Adam has been touched by his beautiful spirit.  It is the Spirit that healed so many and brought so many a new understanding of their lives.”
a) Why do you think God’s Spirit was able to work so powerfully through Adam’s spirit?
b) How has Adam’s spirit created room for the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and life this Lent?

There is so much in these three short chapters, and we anticipate they will touch everyone a little differently.  Please feel free to share whatever came up for you in the readings.  We look forward to hearing form you.


Ray and Brynn

Week 4: March 26th – April 1st

Reading: Chapters 5 and 6 – Adam’s Passion and Adam’s Death

These two chapters are a very tender sharing of Adam’s passion and death.  Not an easy topic to explore.  Yet, as in his life, also through his death, Adam was a strong and clear guide for Henri.  There is so much here to reflect upon, at such a deep level.  Rather than offer specific questions this week, we offer a few quotes and invite you to reflect on and share from them.

1_ “Adam clearly challenged us to trust that compassion, not competition, is the way to fulfill our human vocation.  This challenge forced us to reexamine all the basic assumptions our individual and action-oriented lives” (p90).

2_”That, to me, is the final significance of Adam’s passion: a radical call to accept the truth of our lives and to choose to give our love when we are strong and to receive the love of others when we are weak, always with tranquility and generosity” (p 91).

3_”It was as if he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Henri.  Let my death help you to befriend yours.  When you are no longer afraid of your own death, then you can live fully, freely and joyfully” (p 102).

3_”Death is such a mystery, forcing us to ask ourselves,
‘Why do I live?
How do I live?
For whom do I live?’ and also
‘Am I prepared to die… now… later?'” (p101-102)

We so very much appreciate the open and real sharing from each of you.  Please feel free to share whatever came up for you in these two very special chapters.  We also want to continue to remember those who are journeying with us quietly.  Thank you for being with us!

Yours in gratitude,

Ray and Brynn