Announcing Our Lent 2017 Book Selection

We are delighted to announce that Adam: God’s Beloved has been selected for our Lent 2017 Nouwen Online Book Discussion.

On Ash Wednesday, March 1st, our welcoming and capable facilitators Brynn Lawrence and Ray Glennon will get things going with greetings and introductions.

Readings will begin on Sunday, March 5th and continue until April 13th.

Be sure to join us throughout Lent for engaging and inspired discussion of this classic Nouwen book.


In the year before his death in 1996, Henri Nouwen had planned writing a book exploring the Apostles’ Creed. His plans changed when he learned of the death of his friend Adam, a severely handicapped young man from the L’Arche Daybreak community in Richmond Hill, Ontario, where Nouwen lived. Through telling the story of Adam, Henri found a way to describe his own understanding of the Gospel message.

Adam could not speak or even move without assistance. Gripped by frequent seizures, he spent his life in obscurity. Yet, for Nouwen, Adam “became my friend, by teacher, my guide.” It was Adam who led Nouwen to a new understanding of faith and what it means to be Beloved of God.

This book is a gift. It reads like a walk with a friend. – P.B.

As usual, Nouwen doesn’t disappoint. He has a novel way of thinking
that gives me to a new appreciation for my faith.
– Carole

Completed only weeks before his own death, Adam: God’s Beloved became Nouwen’s final, precious gift – and a fitting summation of his own message and legacy.

Adam: God’s Beloved is available at many bookstores as well as the HNS online bookstore, the publisher’s website, and most other online book retailers, including and

Facilitators’ Note:  Participants in our Advent discussion of Love, Henri may have expected to read the remainder of Henri’s letters during Lent.  Brynn and Ray both thought that it would be worthwhile to discuss a book Henri conceived and wrote for a specific purpose before returning to his letters.  We selected Adam: God’s Beloved because it tells the story of Henri’s relationship with Adam; relationship was central to Henri’s life and ministry, as was readily apparent during our Advent discussion.  We are planning to return to Love, Henri for our Advent discussion this fall. 

26 Replies to “Announcing Our Lent 2017 Book Selection”

  1. I am looking forward to being part of this group. I live in Charleston, SC and spend time every month in our former home of Annapolis. Ray, I know you from somewhere, but cannot recall how…USNA, St. Mary’s, Cursillo, work…I am a convert and I was so blessed to have Henri as a spiritual adviser when I went through the Paulist Fathers formation process in Boston in 1983-4. One of my favorite books by Henri is Gracias, about his time in South America. Even though we did not stay in contact, there are many parallels in our lives and many directions that were taken based on his reflections on our shared spiritual journey.

  2. My name is Margaret. As with so many, Henri has and remains my spiritual companion and director on my life journey. For this I am deeply grateful.
    This is my first time participating in this discussion. Looking forward to having others who have a hearts desire to draw closer to our loving God through Henri Nouwen’s love relationship with Adam. This is close to my heart as I worked 15 years with many adults like Adam.

  3. Hello,
    I’d like to participate in this book/discussion as part of my Lenten journey this year…
    Thank you!

  4. Having a father who had M.S; he died on my 13th birthday and I am now 71. I am so grateful for all he contributed to my happy childhood. I am so looking forward to reading this book with everyone.

    Gilly UK !

  5. I am looking forward to reading this book to further my walk with God. I am familiar with Henri Nouwen through his meditations and it has helped with speaking to God. We stopped talking after the death of my husband. It is because of my husband that I dedicate my Lenten journey.

  6. When I first read that “Adam: God’s Beloved,” was chosen for the Lenten discussion, I was a bit hesitant, but I ordered the book anyway. Of all of Henri’s books, I had been bypassing this one, thinking it would not be as relevant to my life as some of his other books. As it turns out, though, the book has already proved a blessing within my family.

    25 years ago my niece died at the age of 22, after gradually losing her ability to speak and move as the Neuro-Muscular disease from which she suffered progressed. My sister was at her daughter’s side through each step of that disease.

    When the book arrived, my sister was interested in the subject of “spiritual lessons learned from a profoundly disabled young man” as described on the front cover. Over the next few days, my sister read “Adam, God’s Beloved.” It is the first Nouwen book she has read, and she was immediately drawn in and quite moved by it. It seems Henri’s words provided solace to my sister all these years after the life and death of her daughter.

    So, I am already grateful that Henri Nouwen chose, with his unique and gentle voice, to share the story of Adam. I’m grateful that this book was chosen for discussion. I’m looking forward to sharing in Henri’s wisdom with the others in this group.

  7. Thank you for this golden opportunity to share Nouwen’s book Adam this Lent. God bless. I lived in Aurora for 6 months and went to L’arche often and felt connected to Nouwen.

  8. As the father of a 30 year old severely disabled son with many of the same attributes of Adam, I am looking forward to participating. I read the book several years ago and was deeply moved. Thanks for selecting this for the Lenten season book discussion.

  9. I am looking forward to taking part in this discussion. This book changed the course of my life. I am very interested to hear and discuss what it means for others!

  10. I will be re-reading Henri’s, Adam, God’s Beloved, once again starting this evening so that I also may join this wonderful discussion group. Having become familiar with Father Nouwen’s writings a number of years ago, I find that his humble and gracious spirit continues to inspire me in ways that touch me deeply. I believe that Henri’s greatest gift continues to be his ability to speak to us in words which we all need to hear on a daily basis… God, Our Father, loves each of us eternally and without condition while He compassionately awaits our return homeward. Only as we learn to love ourselves can we truly reflect The Spirit of Jesus within each of us.

  11. I have my copy and am really looking forward to taking part. I missed the Advent group and whilst I don’t make many contributions I gain so much from the comments made by others and the fellowship shown.

  12. Good day all, I just purchased this book and am looking forward to the discussion over the next few weeks. Have a great day.

  13. I also am looking forward to the discussion. I am already reading the book. I read it years ago but now that I have a special needs nephew, I started reading the book again because it makes more sense to me since I have personal experience,

  14. I probably won’t remember to participate but so happy that you have chosen this book.
    May I also suggest that this is a wonderful gift item for anyone “struggling” in caring for a special needs person or anyone in the health care profession. Henri had to really learn and reading this book helped me greatly during my times of feeling I had “more important or other things to take care of”. I am going to my Nouwen bag on the book shelf to take it out now and will revisit it along with you all. A peaceful season to you.

  15. I am also looking forward to joining the group. I am already reading it with my friend, and I would like to join a group so there may be other insights to help both of us out.

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