Reading: Adam: God’s Beloved Foreword and Introduction
I also write with the deep hope that many others, through Adam’s story, will be enabled to recognize God’s story among us and so be empowered to say in a new way,
“I do believe.”
(p18, Foreword)
Welcome! It is always very exciting to write this Introductory post and anticipate, along with you all, the rich, encouraging and thought-provoking discussion that is ahead. Lent is a very special time of year when we have the opportunity to intentionally prepare our hearts and focus our minds on Jesus’ death and resurrection. Through Adam: God’s Beloved, Henri reminds us of the great truth that Jesus came to claim us as Beloved sons and daughters of God. Not because we’ve earned it, but simply because He loves us.
If this is your first experience joining an online book discussion, you’ll have questions about how it all works. Each Sunday you will discover a new “post,” indicated by the bold title, on the blog’s Home page. There you will find the week’s readings and some questions for discussion. It works best if you always add any new comment to the newest post, even if you are referring to an earlier post. That way, everyone will see your comment. After you submit a comment, either Will, Ray or Brynn need to “approve” it, so it may take a few hours before it actually appears on the blog page. The instructions on how to submit and reply to comments are also included at the bottom of the reading schedule. If you have any further questions about how the blog works, please feel free to ask.
Over the next few days we invite you to take a few minutes to introduce yourself. You may choose to share:
a) Your general geographic location
b) To whom or what you dedicate your days or energy, and why
c) How you came to “know/read” Henri Nouwen and whether or not you’ve participated in a previous discussion
d) Insights, thoughts or questions that arose as you read the Foreword and Introduction
e) What you hope to experience during this discussion
We very much look forward to hearing from each of you!
Be sure to check back here on the Home page on Sunday March 5th!
In gratitude,
Ray and Brynn
RAY GLENNON: Ray volunteers in his parish Confirmation program and other ministries. He and his wife are members of a Catholic charismatic community. Ray came to know and trust Henri’s written word in a special way in 2004 when he found The Return of the Prodigal Son for sale after Mass at the cathedral in Singapore at an important point in his life. If you have any questions for Ray, please contact him at [email protected] and you can follow him on Twitter at
BRYNN LAWRENCE: Brynn has been helping to preserve Henri’s Legacy for the last several years, mainly through her role as project coordinator of the Nouwen Archive Letter Project, and also by co-facilitating many of our online book discussions. Brynn is the founder of Abundant Life Coaching. If you have any questions for Brynn, please feel free to contact her through her website.
Facilitators’ Note: Participants in our Advent discussion of Love, Henri may have expected to read the remainder of Henri’s letters during Lent. Brynn and Ray both thought that it would be worthwhile to discuss a book Henri conceived and wrote for a specific purpose before returning to his letters. We selected Adam: God’s Beloved because it tells the story of Henri’s relationship with Adam; relationship was central to Henri’s life and ministry, as was readily apparent during our Advent discussion. We are planning to return to Love, Henri for our Advent discussion this fall.
Hi! I am Ashley McCarthy from Roswell, GA and like a few others, I’m joining this online discussion a little behind schedule. This is my first online discussion and I look forward to experiencing it. I am a first grade teacher’s assistant at a Catholic elementary school in Roswell, GA and came to read Adam: God’s Beloved through my religion coordinator. She passed the information along about this book as a way to enhance our Lenten journey. This is my first introduction to Henri Nouwen, and what I’ve read about him online since purchasing the book indicates that he was a remarkable person. After reading the introduction and forward, I am anxious to continue with the story and to see if I’m able to answer or come closer to answering his question: “Who is your Adam who speaks to you about God?”
I also am a little late to the party, but look forward to being a part of this online discussion. It is my first. Ironically, before I knew about this online discussion, I had decided to have a book discussion on Adam, God’s Beloved with my local church and have about 10 individuals who will meet each Thursday morning during Lent for similar. I look forward to this journey with both groups.
I live in Austin, Texas and have read many Nouwen books. I read Adam many years ago and recall it being a great blessing. I look forward to discussing it with fellow readers.
Hello. I’m a bit late to the party but eager to participate in Nouwen’s online book discussion.
I am a mother of a special needs child who shares many similarities to Adam. My son, Thomas, is almost 5 years old and non-verbal. He suffers from daily seizures, developmental delays, etc.
I was first introduced to Henri Nouwen after calling into a local radio talk show and asking the host about God’s plan for my son. She directed me to Nouwen’s work and “Adam, God’s Beloved” was the first book I picked up. It was an emotional read for me but it helped put things into perspective. I am looking forward to reading it again and sharing the experience with others here online.
Thank you.
Christian greetings from central Minnesota!
It’s especially exciting for me to join a discussion of “Adam, God’s Beloved.” Hopefully, I will learn, through this discussion, to connect more closely to what it means for me to be God’s beloved.
Hi from Dublin, Ireland.
I’m looking forward to reading this book. I enjoy the daily meditations. They really touch me and make me reflect. Thank you.
I am from South Carolina and have been reading Nouwen for some time. This is my first online book discussion.
I am from Indianapolis and read Henri nouwen devotional a in the mornings. Always inspired and I sm looking forward to reading this book. I am a second language teacher in the Indpls public schools and I too learn so much from my students. Looking forward to this Lenten discussion.
I live in Jeffersonville, Indiana – right across the river from Louisville, KY. I am in my mid 50’s and have always worked with people who carry the same label as Adam. When I started out in this field in the early 80’s my boss at the time (and mentor) had us all read one of Henri’s books — Reaching Out: the Three Movements of the Spiritual Life. We focused a lot on the gift of hospitality and how the people we were getting to know in a deep and meaningful way had a lot of “hospitality” to offer others in the community – as Henri discovered with Adam. At this same time I became familiar with Jean Vanier and the L’Arche community and kept somewhat abreast of his work. I never did read any more of Henri’s books, or any of his works until this last year when our church started adoration. I signed up for an hour and something I read during lent last year mentioned Henri Nouwen, so I said I needed to look further into his works since I so enjoyed that book nearly 30 years ago. And I was surprised to learn that Henri spent the last 10 years of his life in a L’Arche community — and I had to read Adam. Myself, and many other people I have come to know in my life/career have said how the relationship we have formed with a person(s) with this label has been the best thing ever to happen to us. And how we have learned so much from a person who many consider very vulnerable. I am so looking forward to this discussion — my first ever on-line!
Hello, I live in Northern California and was introduced to Henri Nouwen through Facebook. I truly appreciate His insights from posts as well as emails I receive.
March 2016 I had the gift of a kidney transplant. My donor was my husband of almost 40 years. God is so good. Although my kidney is doing incredible, I have had numerous other physicial and emotional challenges. I spend most of my time working on finding solutions.
Reflections from Forward and Inteoduction:
1. In the Foward, I appreciated that Henri patterns Adam’s story after the life of Jesus. And also that he realized Adam’s story was also a pattern of his story and ours. I look forward to experiencing the correlations.
2. In the introduction, I appreciated that Adam could’ve been call John or Peter. And that it was not coincidental but also providential. Like the first Adam, our Adam represents every human person and thus raises the question: “Who is your Adam who speaks to you about God? ” That was thought-provoking in both who my Adam is, and who I am an Adam too.
3. Lastly, I so appreciated the last comment in the intro that says “Through Adam’s story, we will be enabled to recognize God’s story among us and be so empowered to say in a new way to say, “I do believe.”
In closing, because this current season has been the greatest challenge of my life –I so desire a breakthrough with my faith and I am encouraged that through this Lent season and study it could be a conduit towards such breakthrough.
I am new to and looking forward to being part of this discussion for Adam: God’s Beloved. I have recently ordered 3 of Henri’s writings – from reading the Website’s Daily Posts, I know I will throughly enjoy reading his books. Blessing from San Diego.
Good day all,
I am looking forward to participating in this discussion over the next few weeks. Like many others I was introduced to Henri’s writing thru The Return of The Prodigal Son. I now have a picture of Rembrandt’s picture on my wall. I have participated in a couple of these discussion and am ready to participate in this one.
I live in San Diego Ca, and attend a church called Newbreak.
thanks all ,
I live on Whidbey Island in Washington State but at the present time, I’m in Mazatlan, Mexico. In the past, I’ve wanted join the Advent and Lenten book discussions but it never seemed to work out. It’s my prayer that the time to fully participate is now.
Every morning I read the Henri’s Bread for Journey email as a part of devotions. A few years ago, I was intrigued and inspired by his book The Return of the Prodigal Son.
I look forward to reading Adam: God’s Beloved and being spiritually filled by your thoughts and reflections on the book.
A warm greeting to each of you on this cold day in southwestern Ontario! Thank you to each of you for taking the time to introduce yourselves.
Like Ray, I’ve been blessed to be involved in these discussions since Advent 2009! Over the years I’ve been moved, inspired, and challenged by comments shared, and I have no doubt this discussion will be equally rich.
Looking forward to getting into the text this coming week.
I am new to online book study and Henri Nouwen. I look forward to this very much. I’m from McNabb, Illinois and I’m very involved in our parishes.
Kari here from Sioux Falls, SD. I came to know the works of Henri Nouwen when the pastor was giving a sermon on the Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal Son. He encouraged us all to read the book written by Henri Nouwen. Since that day, I have read many of Henri’s book. With the grace of God and Henri’s thoughtful words, I feel closer to God than I have ever felt. He has had a special way of connecting me on my spiritual journey. This is my first book-study discussion. Already it has been a joyful experience of reading people’s comments. Over the years I have wanted to write a book about my son’s struggle through the mental health world and the lack of support and services. One thing I related to in the introduction is how Adam impacted Henri and how my son has made a spiritual impact on me and so many others.
Good morning. It’s a joy to hear from so many returning friends and to meet those joining us for the first time. We have a wonderful group gathering for our Lenten discussion.
I live in Columbia, Maryland (between Baltimore and Washington) and I have looked forward to and participated in these discussions since at least 2009. I have been blessed each time. Today I’m heading to a retreat house north of Baltimore to help chaperone an overnight retreat for 30 young Confirmation candidates. I will keep each of you in my prayers and I ask that you remember the candidates and team in yours.
We begin our discussion in earnest starting on Sunday and we look forward to you joining us on the journey–whether you actively post comments or simply follow along.
May the Lord give you peace.
I read Henri’s words over and again: “In a flash I knew in my heart that this very disabled human being was loved by God from all eternity and sent into the world with a unique mission of healing…I knew in a very profound way that Adam in some mysterious way had become an image of the living Christ. Adam helped me to discover and rediscover the Spirit of Jesus alive in my own ‘poorness of spirit.'” That idea really got a hold of me because my call is working with adult survivors of sexual abuse. Henri’s words helped me more understand the paradox that these broken lives remind me of my own broken life and Christ’s broken life poured out for me. The stories of my clients are painful but also perfume. Like the perfume of the alabaster vial broken in Mark’s gospel (14:3) and to Paul’s point in 2 Corinthians (2:16), “its a sweet smelling aroma of life unto life.” What a priviledge to hear their stories and to share our own stories together again in this season of Lent.
Thank you Beverly Life unto life and love unto love .What a beautiful mantra to hold onto for this book discussion ! Seek and we shall find .
I am joining this discussion from Michigan. I “found” Henri Nouwen in the Prodigal Son and am eager to learn more from him. I have not participated in an online book discussion in the past and am looking forward to it.
It’s great to see that so many folks are participating. Henri Nouwen has been a special favorite of mine throughout my Christian journey, especially his book The Return of the Prodigal Son. I live near Asheville NC and am looking forward to this discussion.
Just from reading the forward and introduction, I am reminded that God can use each person in fulfilling God’s purpose.
I’m joining this discussion from Durham, North Carolina.
I just recently completed an online book discussion (through another source) of “Life of the Beloved.” It has been a remarkable experience for me, bringing me great peace and healing after a tumultuous fall. I greatly look forward to diving into another Nouwen book to discover more of Henri’s wisdom and teaching in this season of Lent.
From Judy
I have always been interested in this very important phase of Nouwen’s life.
I’ve just read through the introductions and am deeply grateful to be joining all of you for this my third Henri Nouwen book discussion. I’ve been deeply blessed by the other two, and trust that God’s Spirit will be active as we open ourselves to receive from Henri’s writings about Adam.
I first read Adam, God’s Beloved in 1998 and have a beautiful hard cover copy that was a gift to me from my daughter, who at the time, had recently started working with disabled children as a pediatric nurse. As her career continued, she worked with many children like Adam and lovingly cared for them until they died.
On Ash Wednesday, I was drawn to use Mark 1: 11 – 13, as my Lenten scripture: and a voice came out of the heavens: “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” Immediately the Spirit impelled Him to go out into the wilderness. 13 And He was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels were ministering to Him.
I am a retired adult educator and live in western Canada with my husband.
Hello everyone. I’m Boyd. I live with my wife and 14-month-old daughter in northern Virginia outside of Washington, DC. A friend of mine in the Calix Society (a Catholic fellowship for people involved in 12-step programs) recommended Nouwen to me a couple of years ago. While I have not read a lot of Nouwen yet, I have watched this video many times:
Also, my daughter has been diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. Angelman syndrome is characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disability, limited speech, and also a happy disposition. Seizures are also very common. I have not been able to find out what Adam’s diagnosis was, but it may be something similar to my daughter. I am looking forward to this discussion.
I’m Marilyn, and I’m joining this discussion from North Carolina. I came to love Henri Nouwen in the oddest way. During President Bill Clinton’s tenure in the White House, Mrs. Clinton was interviewed and one of the questions was: Tell us about a book that changed your life. She immediately replied, The Return of the Prodigal Son. Out of curiosity, I went in search of that book. Since then, I have read it multiple times and recommended it to everyone I know. Displayed in the main room of our home is a copy of Rembrant’s famous painting to remind me that some days I am the son, other days I am the brother, and on really good days, I am the father. I look forward to our study and discussion of Adam. I am the mother of a thirty-four year old with cerebral palsy. He has changed my life in wonderful ways.
Welcome and we are glad you will be joining us. My wife and I also have a copy of Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal Son in our main room. This weekend I am helping to chaperone a Confirmation retreat for about 30 high school youth and I will be bringing Rembrandt’s Prodigal along to display in the chapel during the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
As a principal of a school (headteacher in U.K.) I have a copy of Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal in my office/ study. I have lost count of the number of times I have used it with the young people (as well as staff and parents) to bring something of the unconditional love of God, and our cack-handed way of dealing with this, to their lives. It, and Henri’s wonderful book, have been a great inspiration to me in my work.
My Adam, is my grandson, Henry…..I still have the Christmas question in my mind, “What child is this?” I have this sense that there are lessons/truths to understand and embrace about God’s love that Adam/Henry bring shape too, and become an offering/gift that has the potential to shape my own heart and others….God is the Potter, I am the clay….allowing God’s love to melt me, mold me, fill me in new ways this Season of Lent…..fill internally, overflow outwardly……Thank you once again.
I first experienced Henri Nouwen’s writings when I came across “The Prodigal’s Son”, at our church bookstore…that led me to savor his works while on silent retreat at a place called, Pacem in Terris, in St. Francis, MN ( I highly recommend it if you’re ever near by;)
I wish I could remember the exact title of the book that spoke to me most…I think it was called,”Open Hands?” It had a lot of black and white photographs, very simple yet profound…
I have not yet begun the book…hopefully I can catch up, just saw this email…Lenten Blessings to you all!
From Margaret Nichols
My name is Margaret. As with so many, Henri has and remains my spiritual companion and director on my life journey. For this I am deeply grateful.
This is my first time participating in this discussion. Looking forward to having others who have a hearts desire to draw closer to our loving God through Henri Nouwen’s love relationship with Adam. This is close to my heart as I worked 15 years with many adults like Adam.
Father Henri Nouwen has had a great influence in my life ever since I read his Return of the Prodigal Son. I have since read most of his most popular books… all with the same effect. Through his selflessly honest sharing of his own brokenness and vulnerability as seen through his personal battle with depression and bouts of self-doubt and insecurity, he gives each of us the strength to take up our own cross and move ahead with courage and determination.
Father Henri Nouwen has been my Adam… the incarnation of the Suffering Christ and I am most grateful for his life… a gift to us all.
This is my first book discussion and I’m eager to spend this time sharing Henri’s powerful message as part of the Lenten season.
My name is Connie, an organist, love the writings of Henri, feel like he is a friend. He has an understanding that makes us feel as if he knows us personally. His writings speak to us in deep ways. My best friend and I put on a program every month in several assisted living facilities. Henri’s writings are used a lot to minister to the folks. They love the stories and love being called God’s Beloved.
May God walk with us this Lenten season and draw us close. I live in Ohio.
I too feel as though Henri speaks to me personally. I think the first book I might have read was Wounded Healer and could identify with how journey since it was me journey also. After reading that book years ago I was hooked. I also enjoyed Praying with Icons because the picture of Jesus that way found under the steps talked to me as the eyes of the picture looked deeply into my heart with a loving gaze.
Spokane, WA
I am looking forward to being part of this Lenten journey. I began reading Henri Nouwen in 1999 at a time when I was being challenged to deepen my spiritual life but still saw God as harsh and judgmental. I tried to be perfect but the more I failed the more discouraged I became. Through my readings of Henri Nouwen and also because I sought out a spiritual director, I have gradually been able to change my perception of God and of the Love God has for me so I can truly see myself as “God’s beloved”. We are usually in Florida during Lent but were unable to go this year due to the fact my husband is very seriously ill. So I am hoping I can devote the time needed for this study. Thank you for making this available.
From John L
I’d like to participate in this book/discussion as part of my Lenten journey this year…
Thank you!
If you are new to these book discussions, I can assure you that you will find great guidance from Ray and Brynn and much wisdom and inspiration from participants who hail from all walks of life and places on the planet. As a veteran of several past discussions, I always eagerly await the date that the next discussion is scheduled to begin. It is interesting that as we begin our discussion of Adam’s remarkable influence on Henri’s life, my middle school students are reading the novel WONDER, the story of a boy who is bright, perceptive, kind, and remarkable but is challenged by those who can’t look beyond his “craniofacial differences.” Before Lent began, I had already decided that my Lenten practice would be to focus on and be grateful for the image of God in everyone, perhaps especially in our Adams.
Welcome back. Brynn and I thank you for your very kind words.
Good morning, and peace be with all of you. On a complete lark, I downloaded Henri’s book yesterday morning with the pretentious thought that this would be something I could “do” for Lent. It didn’t take long for the tears to begin rolling down my face at the description of Adam’s belovedness. May this be a season that our striving, or even conniving might rest in God’s grace and our own love-ability as image bearers. Blessings and peace, Curt
Joining all of you from Southern California this season of Lent. I dedicate my life to the Lord, my family, my friends and community. I have never participated in a previous discussion, but have been a follower of Nouwen for many, many years.
There was one line from the foreward of the book, Adam, that boldly stands out:
“I TALKED TO THEM WHILE I WORKED, BUT I DIDN’T EVER HEAR THEM RESPONDING.”I stumbled across that line. I have read and re-read those words. Powerful. Can anyone help me understand the meaning of this?
I plan to be open to the work of the spirit within me through this journey, the writings and each of you.
To me, this sentence is Sue Mosteller describing a bit of her experience of working on Henri’s manuscript about Adam very shortly after her two friends’ deaths. I am sure they were both very close in her mind and heart as she worked on Henri’s own words describing Adam and the story they shared. Though she did not literally hear them, she felt their “presence and guiding spirit.”
As Henri wrote in “Life of the Beloved,” “The spirit of love, once freed from our mortal bodies, will blow where it will.” I believe I experience that spirit of love from my loved ones who have died in the memories of them that I hold dear in my heart and mind. I suspect Henri may have experienced something of that nearness of his friend’s spirit as he wrote about Adam.
My name is Sue and I am from Spokane, WA. I have been familiar with Henri Nouwen and have all of his books. As you can see he is one of my wisdom figures. This book interested me in a new way since I have a special needs great-nephew who is very much like Adam so I started to read the book again when I found that it was going to be the book for the Lenten book study so I eagerly decided to be part of the discussion. This is the first time I have been part of the book discussion. In 1990 I spent a day at Daybreak with Henri.
I am a retired nurse and I volunteer in the NICU in our local medical center where I often rock special needs babies as well as other challenged premature and term infants.
Hello from South Carolina. Looking forward to this time with all.
Henri Nouwen was recommended to me years ago by a close friend.
I am recently retired and have not found a new place to belong, but hope to soon.
About 10 years ago Lent ceased being a recurring time on the church calendar and became instead a journey of discovery. I’m all packed and ready to go.
I have not read a Henri nouwen book before though I’ve heard of him and knew that he was an author and priest. I was doing some research into the biblical Adam and was trying to determine if God ever referred to Adam as a beloved son. I think you now know how I ended up here. I was intrigued by the Lent book discussion. I sensed that God was nudging me to participate, yet I became discouraged when various libraries in our didn’t stock the book.
This morning I casually mentioned this to my wife. Her eyes lit up and she said, ” well just call me your librarian. I’ll show you where to find it.” she went to our bedroom and pulled out the book. I was stunned. I didn’t know she had ordered it from Amazon several months ago!
I guess I’m supposed to be here. I’m also a parent of a special needs daughter.
nouwen’s paradoxical quote from pg 16 caught my attention ” Adam helped me, by his life, to discover and rediscover the Spirit of Jesus alive in my own ” poorness of spirit.” I look forward to delving deeper into my poorness of spirit and finding something of the Spirit residing there.
I am grateful to be participating in another Henri Nouwen’s book discussion. I have been deeply blessed from sharing in past discussions and I am eagerly looking forward to this one. Peace and joy to all from the sunny Caribbean.
We are Laurie and Gerry from Ottawa. We’ve had the privilege of knowing Father Ron Rolheiser for many years. His frequent references to Nouwen in his writings prompted us to buy a copy of The Prodigal Son. Nouwen’s openness, honesty and vulnerability provided a powerful experience and has led us to his other writings. I, Laurie, am a teacher. Gerry is a retired social scientist. We both have been active in parish music ministry for three decades. In the last couple years we’ve been on our own personal spiritual renewal and see this book discussion as an opportunity to continue that journey.
Now that Laurie has introduced the two of us (yes, we are married – 40 years this coming July), I’d just like to add an observation I had about Sister Sue’s forward. I suspect that this book will be a bit like looking into two mirrors, facing one another. Henri sought to find Jesus in Adam’s life. Sister Sue had the challenge of adding in the layer of Henri’s life. And we now have the opportunity to come to know Jesus through Adam, Henri and Sr. Sue’s work on the manuscript after Henri’s death. What struck me was that undoubtedly we in turn will have the opportunity to help others to come to know Jesus as a result of our efforts to better understand Adam, through Henri, through Sr. Sue. Like a chain reaction.
As I write this initial post I find myself in the midst of a severe thunderstorm taking place in Marietta, Georgia. How ironic that this external storm is taking place while I am experiencing an internal storm in my faith journey. I wonder what brought me to this Lenten Book Study? It was recommended by someone who I admire and trust, so here I am…seeking a closer relationship with my God, wanting to calm the storm within my soul, and hoping that I will allow myself the time and self-reflection toward my goal. Who is my Adam? I am ready to find out.
You are in for a wonderful journey, Kathy. Henri is a wonderful, though invoking writer. His love for the Lord is contagious.
God Bless You on your journey, Beloved.
Thank you Connie for your words of encouragement. May we both be touched by this Lenten journey through the words we read and the relationship we develop while digesting the words.
Jacky Lowe
I love Henri’s books they bring such peace. I am new to book discussions but I chose something different for lent. I am about to retire after 42 yrs of teaching high school & prepare to become a missionary in Madagascar. I look forward to reading this book with a group.
I was introduced to Henri when I was assigned to read Wounded Healer as my first book in seminary. It changed my life. Since then I have read many of his other books, and each one has led to me to a deeper walk with Jesus. I am very much looking forward to our discussion in this Lenten season!
I live in Sturgis, SD, but I first encountered Henri Nouwen in Washington, DC at the Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation. I think the first book of his that I read was The Wounded Healer. I’ve read many but not all of his books since. This one caught my attention because my wife works with persons with disabilities, so I have many contacts there as well. I’m trying not to let my expectations get in the way of anything God might have to say to me this Lent. Of course, I do expect much from Henri Nouwen and I’ll be listening for anything God says through Henri’s work. Thanks for this opportunity to journey with all of you.
Blessings to all,
Several years ago I participated in a book study on one of Henri’s writings and was deeply blessed by it. I decided to participate this time because I desire to go deeper in my relationship with our Lord and I feel that being intentional about this book study will lead me along that journey. Blessings to all and may the Holy Spirit guide each of us in the way to a deeper relationship with our Lord.
So precious to be able to participate in this discussion. I live and work in the Middle East and SE Asia. I get to spend my days strengthening indigenous “dreamers” in hard places who have a vision for a way for the poor to thrive as God intended. Two of my dreamer friends live in intense conflict zones living and promoting community with the mentally challenged. I always learn so much from them and those with whom they celebrate community. My dear “sister” alerted me to this opportunity and I am eagerly anticipating the journey. Thank you!
Isaiah 58:6-6 reminds us that “Is not this the fast I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin?”
And so, Shaking those bonds loose, sharing and not hiding are a few of the reasons I have been called to join this journey with you.
I participated for the first time last year in the Lenten book study. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and looked forward to participating in the comment section. I look forward to learn more about Adam, myself, and answer the question in the Introduction, “Who is your Adam who speaks to you about God?”
Recently found Mornings with Henri Nouwen at a library book sale and look forward to this Lenten journey with Adam and all of you. Thank you.
I am looking forward to another book discussion. This will be my third. I found the advent book discussion very insightful and powerful, Love Henri, was helpful and challenging at the same time. I am interested in learning about the Creed through Adam’s life and presence on this earth.
I am looking forward to another season with Henri. I was introduced to his writings several years ago by a dear friend. What a wonderful gift she shared when she shared many books from her library of Henri Nouwen.
Russell, PA
From Gilly Beardmore
Having a father who had M.S; he died on my 13th birthday and I am now 71. I am so grateful for all he contributed to my happy childhood. I am so looking forward to reading this book with everyone.
Gilly UK !
From Susan
Looking forward to participating as much as I am able!
From Susan2
I am looking forward to reading this book to further my walk with God. I am familiar with Henri Nouwen through his meditations and it has helped with speaking to God. We stopped talking after the death of my husband. It is because of my husband that I dedicate my Lenten journey.
From Steve Hill
I plan to participate. Thanks for doing this.
From Larry Scharf
Thank you for this golden opportunity to share Nouwen’s book Adam this Lent. God bless. I lived in Aurora for 6 months and went to L’Arche often and felt connected to Nouwen.
From Christine
When I first read that “Adam: God’s Beloved,” was chosen for the Lenten discussion, I was a bit hesitant, but I ordered the book anyway. Of all of Henri’s books, I had been bypassing this one, thinking it would not be as relevant to my life as some of his other books. As it turns out, though, the book has already proved a blessing within my family.
25 years ago my niece died at the age of 22, after gradually losing her ability to speak and move as the Neuro-Muscular disease from which she suffered progressed. My sister was at her daughter’s side through each step of that disease.
When the book arrived, my sister was interested in the subject of “spiritual lessons learned from a profoundly disabled young man” as described on the front cover. Over the next few days, my sister read “Adam, God’s Beloved.” It is the first Nouwen book she has read, and she was immediately drawn in and quite moved by it. It seems Henri’s words provided solace to my sister all these years after the life and death of her daughter.
So, I am already grateful that Henri Nouwen chose, with his unique and gentle voice, to share the story of Adam. I’m grateful that this book was chosen for discussion. I’m looking forward to sharing in Henri’s wisdom with the others in this group.
From Mike Benson
As the father of a 30 year old severely disabled son with many of the same attributes of Adam, I am looking forward to participating. I read the book several years ago and was deeply moved. Thanks for selecting this for the Lenten season book discussion.
My pastor shared the daily devotional with me and I continue to seek a deeper relationship with my Lord. Blessing and Peace from Pawtucket Rhode Island
I am looking forward to being part of this discussion for Adam: God’s Beloved. I have read many of Henri’s writings and some more than once. My favorite is The Return of the Prodigal Son…every time I read it I am moved to tears.
Thank you for offering your insight to us.
I listened to Henri read ‘Life of the Beloved’ and it brought me such peace in the midst of heartache. I feel like I’ve been given a box of treasures of incalculable value as I continue to read his books in no particular order. Though I read ‘The Inner Voice of Love’ over and over a few pages almost daily. I am so thankful that so many are on available as audibles so I can listen as I go about the laundry, cooking and cleaning. I live on the Alabama Gulf Coast.
This marks my return to the comments resource after several years. I met Henri through work with John Mogabgab during the Episcopal Church bicentenial celebration years ago. I am very happy to be able to joon this year’s discussion.
Two of Henri’s books changed my heart and life 5 years ago, Life of the Beloved and Here and Now. I am so grateful for his writing, for his assurance of God’s love and the peace that has brought me.
I have experienced life at ‘Daybreak’ and known Henri Nouwen!
Recently I listened to an interview with Sister Sue and was drawn to
read ‘Love Henri’ (audiobook). On the website I noticed this book discussion and
am eager to participate!
Thank you for allowing me to have a seat at your table and partake of the gifts that each one puts on it. Every blessing Margaret Fauchelle New Zealand