Reading: Chapter 3
A heartfelt thank you to each of you who opened your heart last week, and shared your questions, reflections and journey with us. Thank you also to those who are journeying with us silently, your presence is equally valued.
Henri describes how his relationship with Adam grew, and how it began to change him. Henri shares with us the way that Adam, through his life and presence helped Henri receive some deep spiritual truths. In this Chapter, Henri reflects on many of the themes that you all raised last week, so please feel free to continue with, and deepen, those themes.
1_Henri, like many of us, would often get wrapped up in what other people where thinking of him, and the need to prove himself worthy of love and acceptance. Adam’s message to Henri was, in part, that “being is more important than doing” and that “God’s love is more important than the praise of people” (p56).
a) In what ways do you fall into the trap of “doing” in order to prove yourself worthy (of love / acceptance / God’s love)?
b) How can we receive /embrace/ live the truth of God’s love for us?
2_Adam invited Henri to “just be with me and trust that this is where you have to be” (p48).
a) Are there people in your life who are calling you to “just be with” them?
b) What keeps you from taking the time to be with them? (See page 42 for Henri’s exploration of is own fear)
c) How does Henri’s experience with Adam help you understand God’s desire for us in relationship with Him?
3_Henri realizes that “the greatest gift I could offer [Adam] was my open hand and open heart to receive from him his precious gift…” (p59).
a) What does it mean to have an open hand and an open heart with another?
b) How might the decision and practice of receiving from another relate to the questions from 1 and 2 above?
4_After realizing how deeply Adam has touched his heart and life, Henri desires to share his relationship with Adam with others.
a) How did he do this with Murray?
b) How is this a metaphor for how we are called to share Jesus with others?
As always, feel free to share whatever came up for you in the reading. We offer these questions simply to help facilitate the discussion, but we are not bound to them. We look forward to hearing from you!
Ray and Brynn
I am Shelley from southwest Ontario, Canada. I haven’t contributed here yet, but have been greatly moved by reading comments posted to date. Such intense sharing and insight…almost intimidating to contribute to. However, I am who I am.
I have always found Henri’s writing to be profound yet accessible to me. Reading of Adam is forcing me to face those times when I have been fearful of the disabled. I even think back to when my 80 year old great-uncle with Alzheimers joined the family dinner for Easter. We talked about him as if he was a baby without any voice or understanding…instead of engaging him as he sat right across from us. I still recall how bad and wrong that felt.
Afraid of saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way, I am not easily one who can “be” with others… I find the distraction of “doing” eases the discomfort I feel presuming my “being” is inadequate. This book is challenging me.
Being late with reading & responding has been its own gift to me this week. Reading Chpater 3, & then the responses above, have put me in such a peaceful place of acceptance & joy. All the passions & struggles & criticisms & doubts I live with moment to moment just fade away as I read & relate to Henri & other readers. Now to see whether I can take this peace & presence out into the world today. It won’t be perfect, that’s for sure, but I’ll try to remember that that’s OK too.
Thanks to all.
I have been touched by the deep, personal, and insightful thoughts that many of you have shared this week. The encouraging comments that were posted in response to the comments of others show that we are becoming a vibrant virtual community. It was wonderful to have several of our self-described silent community members to raise their voices and join in the discussion in such a meaningful way.
Last weekend as we were preparing this post, I sent Brynn an email with my reflection on this chapter. I reread it and decided to include it here even though it is lengthy.
= = =
This chapter is perhaps the most personal of Henri’s writing that I have ever encountered. It could only be the result of the intense personal relationship he had with Adam–and with and through Adam, with Jesus as well. Henri discloses so much about his growth over those 10 years. And reading this chapter shows me why Henri’s writing from his L’Arche years is different, simpler, and more touching (at least to me) than his earlier works written while he was in academia.
He began with his fear–the same fear that I (continue to) experience: “And in front of the others, I did not want to make a fool of myself. I didn’t want to be laughed at. I didn’t want to be an embarrassment.” p. 42. Isn’t this the reaction of someone who finds their value in how the world sees them rather than in their belovedness? I know I suffer from that.
Henri describes the patience and perseverance that it took to experience and come to know Adam. “Gradually, very gradually, things started to change…” p. 46 Aren’t patience and perseverance what we need in as we come to know Jesus? On the next page Henri describes how he would spend time with Adam–and how, at times, he rushed to finish so he could move on to more “important” things. Eventually, Henri began to talk to Adam and share his most intimate thoughts–even though Adam couldn’t respond directly in word or deed. Several pages later Henri writes, “Adam now was no longer a stranger to me. He was becoming a friend and a trustworthy companion, explaining to me by his very presence what I should have known all along: that what I most desire in life–love, friendship, community, and a deep sense of belonging–I was finding in him. His very gentle being was communicating with me in our moments together, and he began to educate me about love in a profoundly deep way.” p. 49 Isn’t this a beautiful description of what a life of prayer and inviting Jesus into our lives should look like. Henri describes this, almost certainly knowing his readers will see the same thing, but he does so in a way that allows us to discover it for ourselves. It is clear–even before he states it himself–that Henri experienced the person of Jesus through his friendship with Adam. This clearly points to the question from the Introduction, “Who is your Adam?”
Toward the end of the chapter Henri want to share the gifts he received from Adam with his friends. He does this be inviting his friend Murray and others to come to know Adam. Murray accepts the invitation and is forever changed. Isn’t this a metaphor for what we are called to do as Christians? If Jesus has changed our life (as Adam changed Henri’s), aren’t we called to share Jesus with others (as Henri shared Adam with Murray). Here Henri and Adam also show us how. It’s not something that can be forced. The first and essential step is is simply placing ourselves in the presence of the Beloved and spending time together (Solitude). The next, and more difficult step, is inviting others to do the same (Community).
It’s a joy for me that we have the chance in this online community to practice these disciplines with each other as we journey together during this Lenten season.
May the Lord give you peace.
This has been my first read of a Henri Nouwen book. As I progress through the book, I feel as if I am getting more familiar with him.
I am amazed at his skill as an author; particularly with his ability to describe the intimacy and bond between he and Adam. Truly a gift.
I look forward to the rest of the book and discussions.
After working with adult who were developmentally disabled for several years I can relate to so much of this story. I was hired by our local ARC to work with families and develop and implement a social recreation, and leisure opportunities in the community. I came to this with no experience in this field ( that is another story) These were exciting and challenging times.
When I started all I could see were the folks disability. Then one day it was the scales fell from my eyes. I could see the beauty in each and everyone for who they were–we connected at the heart. It opened up a whole new way of being together and being with. A gift I am grateful for.
“Come and see” As with Jesus, Henri invited Murray to come and see. Henri pointed the way. Murry caught the invite and responded with his own heart. This is so full of compassion. Love it!
The one thing necessary – uni necessarium (Luke10:38-42) is to BE with God. Receiving his sea of Mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Giving love back by glorifying and obeying him as well as giving unconditional love to our neighbors. Receiving only to give away. With this vertical relationship being uni necessarium praise from our fellow man is not necessary. We evangelize by our Being. Predilection of Love is our mode. For it is not that God Love’s us because we are good but we are good because God love’s us.
pg 44 Each one–yes, each person–is indeed, an amateur, which literally means “a lover.”
I almost skipped over this short but powerful sentence.
I had always thought of an amateur as one to be pitied and despised. Now i will never think about an amateur in the same way again. How liberating. Life from the heart.
From Ann Corker
When I ponder the phrase that it is more important in being rather than in doing, it is when I am with someone who is dying . As a palliative care volunteer that is our mission and the most rewarding experience, I feel rewarded and blest to be chosen to do that. I under stand perfectly Henry’s friendship with Adam. Also, we were blest with a granddaughter who lived 16 years but never grew beyond an infant physically or mentally. Megan was a blessing to us all. Even before I met Adam I would say that Megan was like a Jesus, she gave love and received love, and she shone in our lives.
Hi Ann
It is always a joy to meet someone who knows the Hospice experience i worked for Hospice several words can adequately describe being with someone at this sacred time. Recently I had to walk this journey with my oldest son. He had an aggressive brain tumor. Being with took on a a whole new meaning. I am so grateful I could help my daughter in law take care of him until he died. We walk on sacred ground every time we are called to “Be With” someone.
After completing the first readings I have felt a bit unskilled in sharing my thoughts. I must admit that these feelings have kept me from participating, and I have just come to the realization that I am missing the whole point of being one of God’s children…He accepts us for who we are, as we are. So, here I am Lord, be patient with me as I am certainly a work in progress.
I am a pleaser… I enjoy doing for others not for any recognition… I just like to help. I am also one who strives to bring peace to others, even at the risk of internal turmoil. I think this comes with the territory of growing up in a family with adult alcoholism. You may ask why I am sharing this here. I am telling you this because it explains my need to feel like I measure up, why I care so much about what others think of me. Like Henri when he was faced with the challenge of learning how to take care of Adam, he was afraid of what others would think of him. I, too, am like Henri in that way.
I work with students who have learning and behavioral differences, and I believe, as I read more and more about Adam and Henri, I can see some similarities. I’m still processing these similarities so I’ll share at another time. But what I can share now is that I feel acceptance, encouragement, and love from my students on a daily basis. I am blessed by their mere appreciation that I am there with them… ready to meet them where they are at any given moment. I just wonder sometimes though… who is teaching whom? Learning is much more than just academic studies, and this lenten study is giving me the time to process this in a way that I have never done before.
Kathy, Thank you for sharing from your heart. My morning devotional had this prayer, “We adore you for laying aside your glory and clothing yourself in complete humility as one of us.”
As you said, he accepts us….
Thank you for sharing Kathy. You deep reflections reinforce that we are all poor and vulnerable, yet strong and resellient and all want to give of our gift and receive in our weakness. Yet, that is why we are God’s beloved!
John Paul II spoke these words in September 2003. “There is room for everyone in the Lord’s vineyard. No one is so poor that he has nothing to give; no one so rich that he has nothing to receive.”
As I read and re-read Chapter 3, these words kept coming to me. As God’s beloved children we are, at the same time and always, rich and poor. We have been so richly blessed; we are poor in spirit.
Chapter 3 points out vividly that Adam and Henri are each rich and poor. It all is a matter of how I see the situation, or, what is my perspective now? There are two very strong words here: “sacramental” and “mutuality.” Chapter 3 confronts me with “how can I fully live a sacramental life?” and “how well can I be part of deep, mutual love?” The two questions are intertwined. The answers lie in living the questions. It begins with “presence is the only cure for absence.”
What is absent today? Where am I called to be present? Part of being present today is recognition that my role this moment may combine Adam’s ministry to Henri and Henri’s serving Adam. This recognition is fleeting, elusive even.
The final suggested question, “how we are called to share Jesus with others?” causes me to consider my father, a devout Christian. He would never have claimed any evangelical ministry as his calling, yet in many of my memories, he shared Christ. He did so be being authentic in each relationship. Every person received his genuine nature, and because each person is unique and different, each relationship was different. He was steadfast, faithful, honest, and humble (and on and on) and he could be irascible. None of it was a pretense. I am glad I lived long enough and he did too so that I could learn that an authentic Christian is the best human I can be. The doing comes from the authenticity.
I can’t believe I’d never heard of Henri Nouwen or the Daybreak community until the last few months….this week I wrapped up an 8 year stint as Charge Nurse of a facility for the developmentally disabled on the central coast of California.
We operate at a level between group home and institution, suffer from extreme understaffing and incredible need.
I started fresh out of Nursing school determined to check every box on the list of tasks and was sooooo worried about looking silly, after three years that exoskeleton of self importance and awkwardness became to rigid to be useful, and so it was shed.
What remained was a listening spirit and a patient hand, my day became more about making lists of ideas for activities and gifts to be shared with the residents, I felt more like a bartender than medication administrator, sharing jokes and singing while I drew up anticonvulsants by syringe.
I became a part of a family, and they a part of mine. I jumped at the chance to work holidays, how could I not spend Christmas and Easter on the floor? These were the people I sing hymns and pray with now, these are the needs that I know.
I love to read of Murrays visit, I’ve pulled friend after friend into volunteer roles at this place, each one receives the gifts to be had and the souls to be met.
Going forward into serving in a different healthcare field in the next week I am finally able to processes how I have emerged changed, to now expect to see the face of Jesus in everyone.
Melissa, your insights and growth..are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Once again, I post a little behind schedule on Chapter 1 and 2. I strive to do better this week and get caught up! I appreciate your comment about those of us who are silently on this journey with this online community. I have always been one to be more silent and sit and observe whether in classes or staff meetings or retreats, and this forum is pushing me to get out of my comfort zone and comment in some capacity. In Chapter 2 what spoke to me most profoundly was the quote you highlighted on pg. 37 that “unfortunately there is a very loud, consistent message coming to us from our world…that we must prove our belovedness by how we look, by what we have, and by what we can accomplish.” Having 3 teenage daughters, I feel I am constantly fighting against this worldly view to impart to them, and then in turn, myself, that we are God’s beloved and that all of these worldly things are temporary. I feel our culture is constantly trying to drown out the message sent to us by Jesus that we are beloved children of God. I believe it for Adam, but sometimes have a harder time believing it for myself, probably because unlike Adam who “had few distractions, few attachments, and few ambitions to fill his inner space” and because “he didn’t have to become empty for God”, I have a hard time becoming empty for God with all the worldly distractions–something I hope to improve upon with the help of the reading of books like this one.
From pg. 50. “Adam, I believe, had a heart where the Word of God was dwelling in intimate silence.”
I was struck with the truthful yet contradictory idea of the “oneness” of word and silence.
Thank you for acknowledging we who journey in silence. Henri’s writing keeps inviting me into community and yet I resist. I was first exposed to Adam while reading “Sabbatical Journey” four years ago. “Adam” has been for me a challenging book and I have refrained from reading it. Perhaps it is a lingering discomfort from being unable to relate to a profoundly disabled cousin when I was a young child. Although as I read the posts from this group two weeks ago I was drawn to join in the belief that we are all Adam. I ordered my copy and today I am facing two fears, being in community and reading this book.
Hi Bob
I kept coming back to your post so I decided to repy. Thank you for your courage in facing your two fears. Henri wrote a lot about fear. Encouraging us to name our fears, which you have done, as we do this it takes the power out of them, helping us to take the next step. In Bread for the Jourmey Henri said sometimes Gid gives us just enough light for our next step. From what you said it sounds like a door, or should I say book, is opening for you. I encourage you to keep embracing your fears(they need love too) , keep turning the pages and let Adam and Henri speak to you..
Being honest, I see but am disturbed with the spirit of Adam’s ministry to me. When I was a pastor I found it most difficult to visit people in hospital, nursing homes and death. It held up a mirror to me. Most poignant was doing clinical pastoral education in a mental hospital where I worked on a ward with criminals who had committed eggregious crimes. I remember sitting at table at a during daily debriefing and saying to fellow students and my supervisor, “There’s a fine line between them and me. Given the right circumstances I could be anyone of them.” Fellow students were horrified at my remark. But our seasoned Jewish supervisor looked at me and smiled. “You’ve got it.”
Deep within me is a distaste to be powerless, to admit my vulnerability, to be less than perfect…to die. Yet Jesus’ and Adam call me to. The paradox of the Christian life is to lay it down and let God raise it up. I sit with that. And I struggle with it daily.
Apologies to all for the delay in posting comments today. I was away from my computer from mid-afternoon until about 10:30 this evening. My wife and I were blessed to attend a reception at the Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican Embassy) in Washington, DC celebrating the fourth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis.
From Kim
Thanks to everyone for the helpful comments and personal experiences relating to our readings.
How preoccupied we often become with trying to gain approval from others! Like Murray in the story, we somehow constantly fall into proving ourselves worthy through worldly measures. I re-read 2 Timothy 1:9, and I realize how perfectly Nouwen brings this scripture home to me through Adam just “being” within the spotlight of God’s love. Also, Nouwen’s story about Murray spoke to me about learning to truly “be” in the presence of others without the distractions of thinking about tasks waiting to be done. Murray realized that he shared “vulnerabilities” with Adam, and that “distance fell away.” This is a beautiful guide to becoming more compassionate, attentive, and patient with others. We all share a humble “connectedness” with one another.
I am currently reading Adam God’s Beloved! I feel so connected to Adam and Michael.
I have served others as a registered nurse since 1972; I feel so blessed to have brought
care and comfort to God’s creations!
I am looking forward to this Lenten Book study!
As a semi-retired professor who still loves teaching, I can understand the incredulity of Nouwen’s minister friend who said to him, “Did you leave the university, where you were such an inspiration to so many people, to give your time and energy to Adam? Why do you not leave this work to those who are trained for it? Surely you have better things to do with your time” (p. 52). But, thanks to Nouwen’s detailed description of his journey of travelling alongside Adam, I can also appreciate his heart-felt response: “I was shocked. . . I thought but did not say, “You an experienced minister and a pastoral guide? Don’t you see that Adam is my friend, my teacher, my spiritual director, my counselor, my minister?” (p. 53).
As a teacher, I tended to overvalue the effect of my words and ideas on my students–until I read the books by Henri Nouwen. I learned that I should take to heart the lesson clearly taught by both Henri Nouwen and by Adam that in our lives together, teachers and students must be authentically and empathetically present to one another. As Nouwen writes, “My daily two hours with Adam were transforming me. In being present to him I was hearing an inner voice of love beyond all the activities of care. Those two hours were pure gift, during which we, together, were touching something of God. With Adam I knew a sacred presence and I ‘saw’ the face of God” (p. 53).
When we give ourselves to others authentically as he gave himself to Adam, Nouwen assures us that we too will be transformed by God’s grace. I thank God for Nouwen’s incredible gift for sharing with others what it means to be God’s Beloved in the company of others.
Your comment about being present for our students struck me like a brick as I recalled walking away from a student as he was talking because I was trying to get something prepared between classes…That is what I wish I could change about my job where I teach 900+ students on a 7 day rotation…I need to find ways to connect with them somehow…or to be honest that now is not the time to chat but schedule another time when we can truly listen to each other…Thanks for your response…I am going to make it a goal to do better at being authentically present for my students when I return from spring break!
Because I grew up in a dysfunctional home, early in life I said to myself “I am going to prove them wrong” so I became a Martha at a young age. That might have been a good strategy to get through childhood but it did not serve me well as an adult. It seemed as if I was always trying to “prove” myself to get love and acceptance from others. It was only after years of counseling that I was finally able to ‘let go’ of my need to prove myself and accept my belovedness which came free of charge from God. In the process I was also able to forgive others and myself and accept the fact that others did they best they could even though it was not what I needed. That made me able to see the gift that they really were for me. Now I volunteer in a drop in center with woman who live on the streets, in shelters, those who are drug addicted and those who live low income housing in the center of downtown. All of them just need a safe place and to know that they are loved just as they are. I also rock babies in the NICU of our local medical center. I especially like rocking babies who are experiencing the symptoms of drug withdrawal. I talk to them and tell them how much they are loved and that they are God’s beloved. I do not know whether the babies are rocking me or I am rocking them because I get just as much out of the cuddling as they do. They do not respond because they are in withdrawal mode so are unable to respond to my cuddling as normal babies do but just to be there for them is a blessing.
Your words about letting go and accepting your belovedness, forgiving, accepting the fact that others did the best they could even though it was not what I needed, could have been my exact words when I participated in Return of the Prodigal Son discussion. That wonderful moment when I was able to give up being the victim and recognize the brokenness of those who were also” doing the best they could” is a moment I return to often and give thanks for that sweet whisper from Jesus.
Sue, your personal story and your words of wisdom about life are so moving and powerful. You are surely beloved by God, and you are doing so much to demonstrate to others that they too are worthy of love. Your experiences in the NICU remind me of my grandmother’s observation that rocking babies was her idea of heaven. I have no doubt that Grandma, who passed away almost thirty years ago, is rocking some heavenly babies right now. Also nice to think that you are offering some babies a piece of heaven here on earth.
Sue, I loved what you wrote, in particular the example of rocking babies in nicu. Perhaps it resonated because my daughter was in NICU but something deep in me was touched by your love for critically ill babies. Many babies in neonatal intensive care don’t have anyone visit them.
Keep on keeping on at being Christ to them. How powerful!
Adam is an excellent read – a learning experience on how to love all people. We learn that we are all different in many ways…that God loves us all thus we too should love all, including those that are different. We walk the path of life and there are many and varied people…some with different needs and problems. We cannot walk by them, it is not the way of Jesus. Henri was a wonderful person, and the books contents prove how Henri became the man he became. Love did not leave him; but then there was Adam who also was one to console and love. It seemed that God had bonded them together for a purpose. I believe that Henri received much love from Adam, and Adam also did. It was a united relationship, filled with its various moments. I believe it would be good for all to read that book for it helps us in learning when we are in a situation that is unknown to us….in this book it shows that there was love from people, but also the love of God in these two as they came together, and as Henri helped Adam. I loved the book, it is a book to read for all.
I read the book of Adam….it was an awesome read. I have had many thoughts about this book the love that Adam gave Henri, and Henri gave to Adam. It is a book I could not put down because it showed a way of life for all of us. Love everyone, serve them, be with them in spirit. Each of us should use our gifts to help others, be with them in spirit when they are hurting, love them when they seem to be unlovable and needing a touch of our hearts and spirit. Like Jesus said “Love every one, even as I have loved you” , so as I sit here and contemplate I think of the ones on the street, the migrants with no homes, the children without parents and no love. I think it speaks to us that we need to be a messenger for Christ and be loving, kind and listening, helping people on the path of life. God bless all of you, this is my first writing for ‘Adam’.
I am certainly a doer, a Martha, a “to do” list maker who takes great satisfaction in crossing things off my ever growing list. Several years ago when I traveled across the country to be with my dying father-in-law, I felt compelled to bustle about cleaning and cooking in order to be a help to my weary mother-in-law, but that is not what she wanted. “Just sit and be here with us,” she said. And so we spent some powerful moments with my father-in-law telling stories of taking a date to his prom in a car with a rumble seat and rain pouring onto the finery of the prom goers. Bedridden, he chuckled to remember his years as the fastest second baseman in his neighborhood league. Yes, the dishes were piled in the sink and the laundry went unfolded, but the unfolding of the spirit of a man I thought I had known well for thirty years was worth it.
Despite that powerful experience of “just being,” I still sometimes have to resist thoughts of my to-do list as a friend or neighbor just needs a friendly ear, not always for a serious matter, sometimes just for affirmation that they are worth spending time with. As I read the anecdote about Henri and Murray, I wondered if I might have reacted as Murray initially did: that God gave Henri the talent and intelligence to teach and preach and write—and that those are the gifts he should have been using 24/7. Henri provided the compelling evidence that time with Adam was one of the biggest blessings of his life. As I grow older, I wonder about the best use of my own gifts. This book has given me much to ponder as I stand at a crossroad in deciding how to use my gifts and time.
I could so relate to your sharing. Several years ago, when my mother was dying, I took time off from work to be with her. I thought I was going to help her but instead she helped me because we spent time sharing stories of things I never knew about. The deep sharing brought us much closer together and we had the mother-daughter relationship I had always longed for. At one point I even asked her for her forgiveness for all the trouble I caused her when I was growing up. Her response, I forgave you long time ago because it was all part of being a mother I love you for who you are, brought tears to my eyes as I laid my head on her chest. Before she died she gave me her blessing and said she would be with me. For several months after she died I could feel her presence beside me as she continued to journey with me. This is what the resurrection of Jesus was for the disciples, they felt His presence alive even after His death. My mother taught all us children to love thunder storms so every time we have a storm, I thing it is my mother coming to let me know she is still with me.
I, too, am a “Martha”, a task-oriented person. It is hard for me to just be. However, in my work as a music therapist at a pediatric rehab. hospital, I find that just being present with my patients in sessions is what makes my own stress fade away. Our hospital uses the FISH principles: be there, play, make their day, and choose your attitude; and I think that Adam and those encountering him, in essence, followed these same principles, which allowed them to encounter God.
I still don’t have my book but will answer anyways. Feeling inadequate, especially where relationships are concerned is a big one for me. I seem to have confidence in what I do but not in how I relate with others. How I can change that is by taking time to be with God daily as the messages I receive from Him are all positive.
From Gina D
Wow…am absolutely overwhelmed after reading all these beautiful insights from last week…and seeing that they came from all over the world! It is so refreshing to see that, in spite of what the news reports…there ARE people who live as beloved children of God…not destroying, but uplifting others…
Thank you, all, for taking risks, for being vulnerable, and for experiencing this book with me…YOU are my “Adams”…
I am so thankful to God that he continually introduces me to new people that I can learn from on this faith journey…God bless you all!